From what we’ve been hearing in the news, as far as secondary education is concerned, attention is on Y10 and the lower sixth (Y12) at present; which is understandable, as these two year-groups will be taking their GCSE and A-level exams, respectively, in less than 12 months’ time. Not much is said about Y11 students who will be starting A-level in September. In case you happen to be a parent with high aspirations for your teenager, you ought to do all you can to make your son or daughter aware of the following critical points:
- To gain admission to the top universities, high A-level grades in certain subjects are required
- A-level is a lot more challenging than GCSE
- Having missed the critical revision time at the end of GCSE creates a huge gap
Your son or daughter will be fine if he or she is in one of the small number of schools who are making a tangible provision to prepare their Y11 students for the start of A-level, and who have not just asked them to read or do a research, but are actually teaching them something of substance.
Now is the time for sixteen year olds and their parents to be thinking and paying attention to issues about university degree courses and A-level subject options and so on. I have written quite extensively about degree courses, elite universities, A-level options and related matters for several years and below is a link to some of my blog posts on this critical matter.
I strongly suggest you listen to what a successful young lady called River has to say in her video, which is at the bottom of the page in the first of the links below.
Enjoy reading and watching, and please remember to make a comment.
a. Success Tips – A-Level –
b. Making vital choices for post-sixteen subjects and courses –
c. University and course options – potential impact on lifetime income and prospects –
d. Misconceptions about post-sixteen and sixth form A-level subject –