7. Count those sheep and catch those Zzzzz’s! Ensure you get adequate amounts of sleep during your revision and examination period.
It has been scientifically proven that sleep helps memories to consolidate. At least half an hour before you plan to go to bed ensure that you turn off all electronic items. Use that half an hour to prepare any materials, or pack your bag for the next day. Try to have a set bedtime each evening, in order to maintain a routine. This is especially important during weeks in which you are sitting examinations – having a routine is comforting in stressful times.
8. Know what you don’t know! Concentrate your revision on your weak areas.
It is important to know what you do not know! Whilst it may feel good to repeat topics you know well during your revision period, it is not a productive way of learning. When planning your revision strategy ensure to pinpoint your weaker areas and devote more time to these topics. Approach these problem areas with a positive attitude – remember, the areas you find most difficult are usually those which will trouble many other students, and by devoting time to studying these topics you will be gaining marks in the exams which other students will be losing!
9. Ask for help – if you don’t ask, you don’t get!
It is normal to feel a little ‘lost’ during revision periods. Often students finish their lessons in school a few weeks before exams start and are left to revise at home with some scheduled revision sessions at school. Whilst revising at home, students often come across points within their notes about which they are unsure, and do not know where to turn for advice. If you have scheduled revision sessions at school, ensure you make a list of questions to ask your teacher in that subject before you go into school. Before the revision lesson, ask your teacher politely whether they could spend a few minutes at the end of the class going through the points on your list.