The Value of Saturday School

Excel in Key Subjects offers the leading Saturday School in London. With further schools in Sussex, Surrey, Kent and Essex, we give additional academic support to students to help them achieve the best results. We offer intensive extra coaching and revision, in a calm and focused environment. Many students have found that undertaking Saturday School classes has enabled them to progress far more effectively than previously.

The normal school day is subject to many pressures and demands. The additional time outside the standard weekday that our Saturday School affords allows teachers to explore subjects in far greater detail. The subjects available include English, Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Triple/Extra Science and more, at GCSE, KS3 and AS and A2 level. The A* to C grade pass rate at GCSE currently stands at 95%, which is exceptional, especially when set against the national average of 53%.

We teach small classes, each one of which is led by a qualified, experienced, professional teacher. Naturally, the students benefit from close attention and the unparalleled chance to discuss topics that they may have previously found problematic. Consequently, the positive impact upon their grades can be dramatic. Our Saturday Schools help to support the students and go a long way towards building both their knowledge and their confidence.

The extra time gained by attending Saturday School can also allow students to be advised about vital areas outside the subject matter itself, such as knowing which common mistakes to avoid and the best exam approaches to take. They will also be informed of handy tips and taught new skills and techniques, all designed to minimise exam stress and lead to the best possible results.

If you would like to discuss any aspect of Saturday School with us or to reserve a place, please contact us on 020 7112 4832.

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