How Easter Revision Helps You Make the Grade

We offer a superb, intensive Easter Revision course that can provide a first-class boost to studies. We believe that timely, well-prepared revision is absolutely fundamental to exam success, and undergoing our intensive Easter Revision course can change students’ fortunes to deliver an excellent outcome.

Throughout the Easter Revision course we maintain the highest standards for our students. We work through a significant amount of revision in a fairly short time, a concentrated approach which delivers proven results. At Excel in Key Subjects, we teach our students to get the most out of exam preparation. Not only do we revisit the essential aspects of the course curriculum that they will need to know for a particular exam, we also look at the best use of exam techniques and ways in which to help students enjoy a positive, highly rewarding exam experience.

The average class size is of six students and naturally each class is led by a fully qualified, professional teacher. As a result, every one of our students receives a fantastic amount of attention. We always strive to support and guide in the best way, including structuring lessons in a manner that most significantly impacts upon results.

Whilst we focus largely on the academic, we also take a holistic approach, advising our students on how to deal with exam stress. Moreover, we pre-empt such potential difficulties by giving them tips about the most common exam mistakes so that they know what to avoid if they wish to succeed.

Our intensive Easter Revision course has been described as:

“…the best revision help I have ever received.”

There are just a few places left, so book onto a course as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. The dates are as follows:

  • Week 1 – Tuesday 2nd to Friday 5th April
  • Week 2 – Monday 10th to Saturday 13th April

If you would like to discuss any aspect of our intensive Easter Revision Course or if you wish to book a place, please contact us on 020 7112 4832.

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