How We Can Help – An Overview

At Excel in Key Subjects, we are passionate about ensuring that students reach their fullest potential. Modern education requires, amongst many other things, that students can effectively demonstrate the best of their abilities within the exam system. As every young person is different, they may not always be best served by the generic support provided by their school or college, which has to meet the demands of the entire school community. That is why we specialise in offering tuition and revision classes that can make an enormous difference to a student’s exam grade.

We provide a number of courses, including intensive Easter Revision, Christmas Revision, Half-Term Revision courses plus Saturday Schools in London and the Home Counties. These are always well-attended and we currently have just a few remaining places for our excellent Easter Revision course. The subjects that we cover include English Literature, English Language, Maths, Science, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Core Science, Additional Science, Triple Science, Economics, History, Business Studies and Psychology. All of our classes give excellent support and academic guidance which can transform the results of a student who was previously underperforming and effectively give them the keys to a new future.

We focus our efforts on helping student get the best possible results in key subjects at both GCSE and A-Level (AS and A2). How do we help? We get real, tangible results. Overall, our students improve their exams marks by an average of two grade points – a remarkable achievement. The GCSE pass rate in English, Maths and Science is 95% grades A* to C (the national average is 53%). We call ourselves Excel in Key Subjects because that is precisely what we help our students to do.

If you would like to find out more about how we can help, then we would strongly recommend attending our Open Day in Croydon on 9th March. Naturally, this is being aimed at those who live within a convenient travelling distance of Croydon. The Open Day will give you the opportunity to gain a greater understanding of our ethos and practices, as well as to ask specific questions about subject classes. Should you wish to learn more about Excel in Key Subjects, or to book any of our courses, please contact us on 020 7112 4832.

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